Rants and Raves About My Journey Through Bariatric Surgery

Saturday, April 17, 2010

And the verdict is. . .

APRIL 8, 2010
Since my last post, life has been very busy. 2 of my parents turned 60 (I have 4 in case you didn't know), my sister had a birthday, and I got a new nephew via stork. My nephew was born on the day of my last weigh in. I had officially lost 9 1/2 lbs. Sometimes I forget that when I weigh myself at home, I'm just in a bath towel. Clothes have weight to them! But that 9 1/2 lbs is enough to apply for my surgery with my insurance company. So I spoke with the insurance specialist again and she promised she would send out my packet the next day at the latest! She told me it would take 2-3 to process and get a response.

APRIL 17, 2010
I was sorting through the mail today and happened across a letter from my insurance company. Could this be? Do I have a response already?!? I ripped into it and read the very short letter. Now, I don't speak legalese and so I need to have it officially translated for me, but I think what it says is I'M COVERED FOR SURGERY! I will admit this letter is slightly bittersweet. I am covered for a gastric banding procedure, which is good. But its not the surgery I was hoping to have (which was a sleeve gastrectomy procedure). I will get over my initial disappointment because I'm so ready to have this done! I will call the surgeons office on Monday and get this thing scheduled ASAP. Last I heard, surgeries were being scheduled about 3 weeks out, so there is a very distinct possibility that I could have this surgery during the first week of May! (That statement is SO exciting to me!)

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