Rants and Raves About My Journey Through Bariatric Surgery

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Its almost here

MAY 9, 2010
Well the time has almost come. I will admit that I've been purposefully avoiding the blog the last 2 weeks because I didn't want to come across as the whiny child that I've been.

This mostly liquid diet has been harder in some ways than I've ever expected. In the first 2-3 days, I was HUNGRY all the time. I woke up hungry, was hungry all day, and went to sleep hungry. I was cranky with people, for no reason, other than I was hungry! I would also like to point out, do you have any idea how many commericals are on TV or the radio for FOOD? I challenge you, the next time you catch an entire episode of GLEE or The Good Wife, count how many commericals are for, contain or in some way reference food. I bet you'll be shocked. The hardest part has been being around people that get to eat whatever they want. That absolutely sucks the most.

But I'll also admit that there are parts that are easier than I had expected. After the first 3 days, my hunger for the most part is gone. I don't feel like I need to eat really ever anymore. I have to remind myself to drink my mid-day shake. Otherwise its 3pm and I haven't had any nourishment since 7:30am (which apparently is NOT ok). Another great part about this is the weight loss. Since I started this diet 12 days ago, I've lost about 15 pounds. As of this morning my unofficial weight loss is 30 pounds! I have never been so excited about the number on the scale. While I realize it will make me a suckup or a loser or both, I have put in a request to stop at the surgeons office on my way in the hospital to get an official weight. I just WANT to know.

But the best part is the support I've been getting from the girls that are also having surgery tomorrow or Tuesday. Its nice to hear I'm not the only one that has bad days, struggles with chocolate cravings due to PMS, or finds those protein shakes unpalatable. I think some of them read this blog, so I hope you all realize how much your support has meant to me and I can't wait to see you on Tuesday afternoon when we're all done with this surgery :)

I have to say that the support I've been receiving, not just from the girls who are also having surgery, but from family, friends, and my church family has been absolutely amazing. Its so heart-warming to have so many people standing beside me through all of this. While this process definitely is NOT coming to a close this week, I couldn't be more grateful for everyone's support and love through this.

I am told that there is WiFi in the hospital, so I will do my best to post something on Tuesday or Wednesday before I'm released!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Life as I knew it is. . .OVER

APRIL 25, 2010

Last night, I sat in a 3 1/2 hour educational seminar about the next 2 weeks (my pre-op time) and my first year post-op. Let me tell you the list of things I'm NOT allowed to eat effective now: Carbs-including bread, pasta, cereal or grain. Fruit of any kind (too much sugar). Starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn, peas). Dairy (except some cheeses). Fats and surgars of any kind.

So what does that leave me to eat? Well, I'm officially on a 550 calorie/day diet that consists of 2-8oz protein shakes (that taste mostly like sour milk or rotten eggs I can't decide), 4 oz of lean protien, 1/2 cup vegetables, and up to 1 cup/day of sugar free jello or vegetable/chicken broth. Thats it. I'm only about an hour into this because I was fasting this morning for my bloodwork, but let me just say, SERIOUSLY? And I had virtually no warning, so I guess if you ask me what my death row meal would be, I'd be forced to answer a crispy chicken sandwich from McDonalds and some Cookie Dough ice cream, though technically I picked all of the cookie dough out of it and didn't eat any ice cream. And because I haven't had fast food in over a year, I paid for that last meal with a severely upset stomach all night.

I'm whining a bit, I know, but it wasn't all bad news last night. We talked about post-op expectations and vitamins. The best part of the night though was the other people in the class. As we were waiting for class to begin, we were talking and found out that we all are having surgery on either Monday 5/10 or Tuesday 5/11. We all will be on the same floor of the hospital (in private rooms though, which will be nice). At the end of class we exchanged emails and already several emails have been sent. I will admit, the support system from other bariatric patients seemed to be lacking for me, so I'm really excited to get to know these 6 women and be able to share these experiences with them.

As the surgery gets closer and closer, I'm getting more and more excited, mixed with a little nervousness, but mostly excited!

Monday, April 19, 2010

An unexpected call

I just received an unexpected call from Cherish, the Bariatric Coordinator at my surgeons office. She was calling to SCHEDULE MY SURGERY!!! I'm overwhelmingly excited! I have scheduled my procedure for May 11th.
There is, of course, more work to be done before I can actually have surgery. First, I have to attend a mandatory educational class next Monday. I'm not exactly sure what that's about, but I will definitely be there and ready to learn more about the process. Secondly, I have to have some blood work done by the hospital. I'm told they will call me next week to schedule that, so I really don't have anything to do for that right now. Finally, I have my last presurgical consult with my surgeon on 4/30 to sign the consent form and my final physical exam (which if its anything like the last one involved him listen to my heart and looking in my throat- that's it!)

So that's it! Surgery is finally scheduled!

More waiting. . .

APRIL 19, 2010
So I faxed in my letter from the insurance company to the surgeons office, specifically the insurance specialist. I then called her to talk about it and I was informed that I she doesn't work Mondays anymore. Must be nice. . . Anyway I'm told she'll call me later this week to review my letter and my file and schedule surgery. Have I ever mentioned how IMPATIENT I am???

Saturday, April 17, 2010

And the verdict is. . .

APRIL 8, 2010
Since my last post, life has been very busy. 2 of my parents turned 60 (I have 4 in case you didn't know), my sister had a birthday, and I got a new nephew via stork. My nephew was born on the day of my last weigh in. I had officially lost 9 1/2 lbs. Sometimes I forget that when I weigh myself at home, I'm just in a bath towel. Clothes have weight to them! But that 9 1/2 lbs is enough to apply for my surgery with my insurance company. So I spoke with the insurance specialist again and she promised she would send out my packet the next day at the latest! She told me it would take 2-3 to process and get a response.

APRIL 17, 2010
I was sorting through the mail today and happened across a letter from my insurance company. Could this be? Do I have a response already?!? I ripped into it and read the very short letter. Now, I don't speak legalese and so I need to have it officially translated for me, but I think what it says is I'M COVERED FOR SURGERY! I will admit this letter is slightly bittersweet. I am covered for a gastric banding procedure, which is good. But its not the surgery I was hoping to have (which was a sleeve gastrectomy procedure). I will get over my initial disappointment because I'm so ready to have this done! I will call the surgeons office on Monday and get this thing scheduled ASAP. Last I heard, surgeries were being scheduled about 3 weeks out, so there is a very distinct possibility that I could have this surgery during the first week of May! (That statement is SO exciting to me!)

Monday, April 5, 2010

March rolls on by. . .

March has come and gone. Nothing major has changed with this surgical process, just a bunch of WAITING that is driving me CRAZY!! (good thing I've already had my psych consult huh?) Only a few minor details are still left to iron out.

I got all of the bills from my consults. The ensuing arguments about insurance co-pays and what is covered and what goes towards my deductible has been exhausting. And the fact that I changed insurance carriers halfway through this process didn't make things any easier for me either. But, all's well that ends well right? As of March 25, I was completely settled with my consults and the surgeons office for my first visits. It doesn't sound like much, but I'm really glad that its all over with.

I've been continuing to work out at the gym on a fairly regular basis. I try for every other day, taking Fridays and Saturdays off. That's 3 days a week, concentrating on at least 25 minutes of cardio with my heart rate over 165 bpm (yes I know its crazy, but its just how it is for now) and another 25 minutes or so on the weight machines. The weather has also gotten nice, so I've also been trying to walk on my off days at the park or forest preserve that are near my house.

I've also began eliminating things from my diet and habits that I can't have around the time of or after surgery. I started by giving up caffeine, which I can't have for a few weeks before surgery and several months after. I will admit it was difficult, especially the first week. I was seriously wishing there was a group meeting that I could attend called Starbucks Anonymous. But I have done really really well with the no caffeine rule, I've cheated only twice in the last 8 weeks (which anyone who has ever dieted before knows is pretty decent. And I still claim having to be at church before 7am on a Sunday morning deserves a little jolt first). Included in that no caf thing is chocolate. I understand there is minimal caffeine in chocolate, but I'm doing my best to stay away from it, too. The next thing I gave up was alcohol. I have problems talking about giving up the booze, because it makes me sound like an alcoholic, which I am NOT. But I LIKE martinis and wine, and every now and then a cold Blue Moon. But I did give it all up about 3 weeks ago and its been going fine. Its just hard to watch the other people around you enjoying things you KNOW taste good. (But I get the feeling that might be a recurring theme in my future, so I guess it good to practice now)

I will admit the hardest part of this whole process has been telling people. I don't think the fear that I have of telling people goes any farther than openly admitting to having a problem that I can't handle on my own. But the fear is still there and the last 6 weeks or so, I've started to tell some people and each time I tell someone it seems to get easier and easier. I feel pretty good that basically all of my family and all of my friends know. (And it makes life smoother when people aren't thinking I'm pregnant when I pass on the cocktails-which someone did ask me). The strange part of telling people are the few random people that tell me "I know someone that had that done and it didn't go well for them." I would like to ask these people (but didn't because I'm apparently too polite) what the hell they're thinking? If someone says to you, "Hey I bought new car,' you don't say, 'I know someone who almost died in car accident a few years ago.'

Anyway, (I'm gonna move on from that because I could really call some people out on that one. Like my boss) this week on Thursday I have my April weigh in. As you probably remember, I have to lose 6 pounds over a 3 month period. When I weighed in at the beginning of March, I was down about 6 pounds, so all I had to do was maintain it for another month, as of this morning, I'm unofficially down 12.5 lbs, so as long as I can stay where I'm at, I will be a happy camper :)

If all goes according to plan, my full insurance application will be sent out at the end of the week. I'm told it usually takes the insurance company about 3 weeks to respond (but lets be more realistic and say a month?). After the insurance approval goes through, the surgeons office is scheduling surgeries about 3 weeks out. So I'm still shooting for mid-May for surgery, but only time will tell (but seriously, I think all this waiting is going to KILL me soon!).

Monday, March 1, 2010

An Open Letter to some Women at My Gym

Dear Ladies,

There are 3 of you I'd like to address, but I'd like to speak to each of you individually.

I'd like to start with Jen, the instructor of my yoga class last week. First of all, let me start by thanking you for letting a novice like me into your class. It was quite clear about about the first 5 minutes that I have ZERO experience and my classmates have a lot. I appreciate you not kicking me out for that alone. Now, I'd also like to say I think you're crazy. Please don't take it personally if I can only make your classes every other week or so. Or until my "core muscles" stop revolting and allow me back in the studio, because even 5 days later, they're still pretty pissed.

Secondly, I'd like to address the woman who worked out next to me this past Saturday. You were on a cross trainer. I would mostly like to remind you that we belong to a GYM. People go there to work out, which includes sweating and generally looking gross during and after this process. I don't really share your obsessive need to use Clorox Wipes on the machine before you get on it and I think you should at the very least consider that the fumes from that bleach based product are a little overwhelming to your neighbors that have already been working out. Secondly, there is no reason at all to get out a mirror mid-workout to check your hair. If you still look good, I'd like to venture that you're probably not exactly working out. You're just walking without actually getting anywhere. Finally, I would like to comment on your reading material during your workout. I am all for reading whatever you want, but I have to wonder how much knowledge you could possibly be gaining from David McCullough's John Adams while on a cross trainer. I really wanted to ask you this question and almost did, but it was at that point you put on earbuds, but kept the book out. So I ask you now, was it a book on tape and you were just following along? There are so many questions I have for you and I truly hope to see you in the gym again soon. I'll bring a hairbrush just in case your hair gets messed up (you can disinfect it if you want).

Lastly, I would like to address the machine stalker lady. You know who you are. I've seen you machine stalking twice. This past Saturday, I was working out on a crossramp and you asked me how long I would be. I know I'm new to the gym but is this acceptable behavior??? I don't know, but I surely did NOT like being asked that question. So I told you the truth, "I don't know how much longer. Maybe 10-15 minutes." (I knew this was probably a lie. I had already been on it about 9 minutes and adding another 15 would mean that I was on the machine for almost 25 minutes which I didn't think I could do. Last time, I was on that machine for 15 minutes and I was pretty sure I was going to die when I got off it). At this point you should have WALKED AWAY and come back later. And why didn't you ask the guy next to me how long he'd be? He was on the exact same machine as me! But did you walk away? No you didn't. You sat on the floor next to the machine and started stretching. And you hovered for almost 20 minutes. Creeper. At least you got the hint and finally walked away. But really, despite this odd behavior, I would like to thank you. What you don't know about me is I'm extremely stubborn. And its thanks to your crazy behavior, I stayed on that machine for 45 minutes. I have never been more proud of myself and my stubborn attitude. Like the OCD lady, I really do hope I see you again. And I hope you help me work on that crossramp for an hour.

Happy working out to all 3 of you girls!


Later this week, I have my 2nd month weigh in at the surgeon's office!